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Our capital building fund campaign is projected to raise $60,000.  We launched the program on the 4th Sunday in April, and each fourth Sunday thereafter has been deemed Capital Campaign Vision Sunday.  



Each person will make their pledge either online, or by completing a pledge card.  The pledge cards are here online and also will available in the vestibule of the church. Those pledging do not have to be members of our church, anyone to include businesses, corporations and organizations, can donate, either one time or monthly!





On Vision Sunday, we dedicate a fifteen minute segment of our service to the collection of the pledges that were made. We will collectively decree the anointing of favor over six areas of their lives, and pray over those that are pledging.  Note that Vision Sunday is not the only day that one can give their pledges, they can be given on any day. We will recognize their pledge on Vision Sunday.



What will the funds be used for

The funds will be earmarked to pay off an existing loan that we secured back in 2018 to renovate the vestibule and the social hall.  The remaining balance will be used to start phase three of our Renovation project which is our main sanctuary.

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